Frequently asked questions about Utilities can also be found on the Utility Department page.
Frequently asked questions about building permits, inspections, and more can also be found on the Building Inspection Info & FAQs page.
Where can I find/apply for particular permits or licenses?
Besides in person at City Hall, our permits and licenses can be found on the Permits/Licenses portion of our website.
Where can I request a record/public information?
Records requests can be handled through our City Clerk at (218) 729-3600. Additionally, public data requests can submitted with our online form.
How can I get on a City Council or board/commission meeting agenda?
Please contact Alissa McClure, Hermantown’s City Clerk, to be added to an upcoming agenda. She can be reached at (218) 729-3600. You can also speak at City Council meetings without being on the agenda at the public comment phase of the meeting or when there is a request for public input during any item on the agenda.
When is the next City Council or board/commission meeting?
Please see our Community Calendar for all upcoming meetings.
Can I speak at a City Council meeting?
Yes! And your thoughts and opinions are desired! There are different points where the public can speak at the City Council meetings. For items not on the agenda (which is always available at the front door at the meetings), there is time at the start of the meeting. For items on the agenda, there is time to speak when those items come up in the agenda-led portion of the meeting. For some people, it can be intimidating to speak in public, but your thoughts are important. If this is the case, track down Joe Wicklund, Community Engagement Manager, before the meeting begins and he can assist you in speaking publicly at the meeting.
Where can I find a map that shows wetlands/zoning/trails/etc.?
Most of our frequently asked for maps can be found on our Maps page. If you need something more specific than you are finding on that page, please contact Eric Johnson, Community Development Director, at (218) 729-3600 or at
What is the City's policy regarding mailboxes?
The City’s ordinance regarding mailboxes can be found at the City Ordinances page, under Chapter 3 – Public Property.
What is the City's plan regarding snowplowing?
You can find both the snowplowing policy and a snowplowing map on the bottom of the Street Department section of the Public Works page.
How are my property taxes determined?
St. Louis County handles the property tax assessments for Hermantown, and their FAQs regarding their assessor are found here. If you would like to appeal the assessor’s valuation of your property, there is an annual appeals meeting in April. Contact the Hermantown City Clerk to learn more about this appeals process.
How do I rent the Training Center at the Hermantown Governmental Services Building?
The Hermantown Police Department oversees the Training Center, and arrangements can be made to rent it at the Training Center Rentals page or by contacting the HPD at (218) 729-1200.
How can I pay for a bill or permit online?
Through our external payment partner, Hermantown bills and certain permits/licenses can be paid online. Information regarding online payments – including the use of credit cares and the related convenience fees – can be found on our Payment Options page.
How can I sign up for automatic payments?
The City of Hermantown offers an autopayment plan for utility bills on the Payment Options page of this website.
Why am I getting a stormwater utility bill?
Hermantown instituted a stormwater utility in 2019. This utility covers all of the stormwater system in the City – which means ditches, culverts, bridges, etc. – associated with rain and snow. The entire city utilizes this system, which is why it is billed as a utility. The initial starting point for residential billing in 2019 was $7 monthly, which was attached to water and/or sewer utility bills for those receiving those utility bills and billed in January and July (for a total of $42 at six-month billing) for those not on city sewer or water. Despite the similar naming, the stormwater utility and related system are separate from city sewer and water.
Additional Questions?
Administrative Assistant
Mary Melde
(218) 729-3600
Community Engagement Director
Joe Wicklund
(218) 729-3614