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Filing for Office

To be eligible to file for office, an individual must meet the following requirements:

  • Be an eligible voter
  • Be 21 years of age or will be on assuming the office
  • Have maintained residence in the district from which the candidate seeks election for 30 days before the General Election

The following dates are in accordance with Minnesota Statues:

  • Candidate filing opens on May 21st, 2024
  • Candidate filing closes on June 4th, 2024 at 5:00 p.m.
  • Candidate withdrawal deadline is June 6th, 2024
  • Term begins in January 2025

For more information on Candidate Filing Periods, click HERE.

Councilmember (2 Positions in 2024)

  • Term: 4 years
  • Term Begins: January 1, 2025
  • Salary: $600/month
  • Filing Fee: $10

Mayor (1 Position in 2024)

  • Term: 4 years
  • Term Begins: January 1, 2025
  • Salary: $
  • Filing Fee: $10

Campaign Reporting Requirements

Campaign Finance Reports must stay online for four years. Contribution limits $600.

Campaigns for County, City, Township, School District, or Other Political Subdivision Office

The requirements in Minnesota Statutes Chapter 211A apply to these offices and are in addition to requirements in a local charter. Required campaign reports for the county, city, township, school district, and other political subdivision offices are filed with the filing officer for the office.

Campaign reporting requirements under 211A: Campaign Finance Reports Due by Candidates / Listed Below:

NOTE: Must be completed by any candidate that raises or spends more than $750.

Initial Report (Candidate or Committee Report) An initial report must be filed within 14 days after a candidate or committee raises or spends more than $750. Additional required reports must be filed once an initial report is filed.

NOTE: The following reports are due only if an “initial report” has been filed

These reports are due during Election Year (an “Election Year” is any year in which the candidate’s name or a question appears on the ballot).

Pre-Primary Report
Due 10 days before the Primary or Special Primary. This report covers the period from where the previous report left off, up to five days before when it is due.

Pre-General Report
Due 10 days before the General Election or Special Election. This report covers the period from where the pre-primary report left off, up to five days before when it is due.

Post-General Report
Due 30 days after the General Election or Special Election. This report covers the period from where the pre-general report left of, up to five days before when it is due.

Year-End Report
A year-end report is due on January 31 of each year following the year when the initial report is filed. Additional reports are required in a year when the candidate’s name or the ballot question a committee is working for or against appears on the ballot.

Final Report
A candidate or committee may file a final report once all debts are paid and all assets in excess of $100 in the aggregate are disposed of. Filing a final report ends campaign reporting activity, but a new initial report must be filed if the candidate or committee raises or spends more than $750 after this point.

Note: Once a “Final Report” is filed, no further subsequent reports are required to be filed.

NOTE: All candidates must complete this form:

Certification of Filing

Due 7 days after the General Election or Special Election. A certification of filing must be filed regardless if a candidate or committee raises or spends enough to file an initial report. It indicates to the filing officer that either all the required campaign reports have been filed or the candidate or committee did not raise or spend more than $750 in the calendar year. The Campaign Financial Report Certification of Filing form is available for download from the Campaign Forms and Handouts Page of the Secretary of State’s website.

The Campaign Financial Report form and the 2022 Campaign Manual are also available for download from the Secretary of State’s website. The Campaign Manual contains additional information regarding campaign reporting and campaign practices.

Hermantown Campaign Finance Reports




General Election Canvassing Minutes


Looking for information about the Recreation Initiative? Click here to learn more. The Recreation Initiative is slated for the November ballot.

Additional Voting Questions?
(218) 729-3600
[email protected]

Early Voting for 11/5 Election
– Absentee Voting begins September 20, 2024

– Early Voting begins October 18, 2024
– Registration Deadline: October 15, 2024

Gov’t Services Building 
5105 Maple Grove Road
Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. – 4 p.m.

Extended Voting Hours:
Saturday, October 26th, 9 a.m. – 3 p.m.
Saturday, November 2nd, 9 a.m. – 3 p.m.
Sunday, November 3rd, 9 a.m. – 3 p.m.

In 2022 for the General Election, numbers dipped for voter engagement in Hermantown but stayed at a solid comparative level, with 73.6% voting in the mid-term election. Hermantown voted at record levels in the 2020 General Election, with more than 94% of registered voters casting their ballot.

Results – ranging from the City level to regional, state-wide, and national – for how the City of Hermantown voted can be found below.

Election Results

In 2016 – Hermantown experienced 80.9% voter turnout for the General/Presidential Election

In 2018 – Hermantown experienced 81.2% voter turnout for the 2018 State Election

In 2020 – Hermantown experienced a record-setting 94.4% voter turnout for the General/Presidential Election

2022 General Election
2020 General/Presidential Election - 94.4%
2018 State Election - 81.2%
2016 General/Presidential Election - 80.9%