HEDA Meeting
Hermantown Economic Development Authority's monthly meeting. More information regarding HEDA and these meetings can be found at the following link. /business/economic-development-heda/
The City of Hermantown provides this calendar to show not only what is happening at City Hall and in the Governmental Services Building, but also to highlight various community-focused events.
To see if your event can be included in the calendar, e-mail our Communications & Community Engagement Director, Joe Wicklund, at jwicklund@hermantownmn.com.
To note: Hermantown’s City Hall is open weekdays from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Hermantown Economic Development Authority's monthly meeting. More information regarding HEDA and these meetings can be found at the following link. /business/economic-development-heda/
City Hall is also closed the day after Thanksgiving.
Invitation to participate: The Hermantown City Council welcomes your thoughts, input, and opinions to this meeting. The agenda for this meeting contains a brief description of each item to be […]
More information regarding Hermantown's City Council Meetings, including agendas and minutes, can be found at the following link. /government/city-council-meetings/
The City of Hermantown's regularly scheduled Park Board meeting. Information on Hermantown's Park Board can be found by clicking here.
Hermantown's regularly scheduled Planning & Zoning Commission meeting. Information on this commission and the group's meetings can be found by clicking here. Join this meeting remotely by clicking here shortly […]
Hermantown Economic Development Authority's monthly meeting. More information regarding HEDA and these meetings can be found at the following link. /business/economic-development-heda/
Christmas Eve - City Hall Closed
Christmas - City Hall Closed